The match commissioner for the ISL final, A K Mamu Koya had submitted a two-page report slamming FC Goa officials for the ruckus after the incident. He had also mentioned about the abusive language used by FC Goa towards Japanese referee Yudai Yamamoto and his two assistants, along with physical threats.
Following the incident, Goa had received two letters, one from AIFF – signed by AIFF director Gautam Kar – and another from ISL – signed by AIFF General sectary Kushal Das and ISL CEO Devang Bhimjyani.
In the first letter, received on January 25, AIFF has claimed jurisdiction over the issue and condemned Goa's act.
"AIFF Disciplinary Committee has exclusive jurisdiction over all matters related to discipline under AIFF Disciplinary Code (sic), including those relating to the ISL,” a snippet of the letter read.
However, the second letter they have received now, is from ISL's disciplinary committee, which claimed, "Sanctions on matters which directly affect the League’s reputation and credibility and are in breach of its regulations.".
The letter also stated that ISL can take additional actions against FC Goa, irrespective of AIFF's ruling. “ISL respects the jurisdiction of the AIFF in matters related to AIFF Disciplinary Code, however, ISL rules clearly authorizes the League to impose additional sanctions for breach of any League regulations apart from any disciplinary action taken by the AIFF. The League rules have been approved by the AIFF and have been acknowledged by you as binding,” it read.
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