Tamil Nadu were set a competitive target of 268 in the Vijay Hazare Trophy preliminary quarter final by Rajasthan on Thursday coourtesy of a century from opener Abhijeet Tomar and a quickfire 60 from Mahipal Lomror. In response, Tushar Raheja raced off the blocks with a 10-run first over but it was no more than a preview of what was to follow in the ensuing over.
Skipper Lomror handed the new ball to Aman Shekhawat as usual and the right-arm quick began ominously by spraying the ball wide past the wicket-keeper for five free runs. However, Aman recovered well by extracting bounce from the deck but to his misfortune, Narayan Jagadeesan's attempted cut flew over the slip cordon for a boundary and set the stage for a grand over. There was no spice on the short and wide delivery that followed next and was easily put away for a four, as was the next one with a skillful uppercut towards third man. Aman stuck to the wide line and Jagadeesan kept punished him for a fourth straight boundary, forcing the bowler to finally go straighter only to be pulled over square leg to make it 25 runs off five deliveries. A boundary attempt on the final ball was inevitable and Aman made it easy for Jagadeesan by veering onto the legs, allowing the opener to pick the ball off his waist for a sixth boundary in the over off the bat and seventh overall.
Jagadeesan went on to convert his start to a blistering fifty and was still unbeaten at the time of writing.
— BCCI Domestic (@BCCIdomestic)
29-run over! 😮
N Jagadeesan smashed 6⃣ fours off 6⃣ balls in the second over to provide a blistering start for Tamil Nadu 🔥 |
Scorecard ▶️
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