Amid the competition of the Test match, Rohit Sharma's witty banter once again stole the spotlight, showcasing his knack for lightening the mood on the field. One particularly memorable moment occurred when he was overheard by the stump mic telling Ravichandran Ashwin, “Lefty ko out karna hai yaar mereko. Zyada hero ban raha hai wo,” (I want to dismiss the left-handed batter; he’s trying to act too smart.)
The Indian skipper is known for delivering hilarious stump mic moments that resonate with fans and players alike. His ability to blend humour with the pressures of international cricket adds a unique charm to the game. In the post-match presentation at Bengaluru, Sharma emphasized, “We don’t change our mindset based on one game or one series.” This statement reflects his commitment to maintaining a fearless approach, regardless of the challenges he encounters.
Classic Rohit!
Shaana for a reason 😎
— JioCinema (@JioCinema)
Watch Rohit Sharma lead in the 2nd Test, starting October 24, LIVE on , & 👈
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