Alongside Shahrukh Khan, Vijay Shankar steadied the innings further and then lit up the match with a stunning display against Hardik Pandya in the 17th over. On the first ball, Pandya delivered a fuller ball around the middle stump, which Shankar judged perfectly. Reading the trajectory well, he launched the ball over deep mid-wicket for a towering six. The second ball followed a similar length, this time around off stump, and Shankar used his impeccable timing to send it sailing over long-off for another maximum. Three deliveries later, Pandya attempted a short ball aimed at the body, but Shankar capitalized on it, smashing it over long-off for his third six of the over. Shankar’s impressive performance comes at an ideal time, affirming his value after being picked by Chennai Super Kings for ₹1.2 crore in the IPL auction.
What a carnage!
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ▶️ Vijay Sixer 😎
— JioCinema (@JioCinema)
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