Highlighting Gambhir’s illustrious career, Shah further added, “ Having endured the grind and excelled in various roles throughout his career, I am confident that Gautam is the ideal person to steer Indian Cricket forward.”
The BCCI invited applications for the position of Head Coach on the 13th of May amidst the ongoing Indian Premier League. Furthermore, Gambhir’s name came to the forefront after his super stint as the Kolkata Knight Riders head coach and was instrumental in the team’s third IPL title. He also served as a mentor for the Lucknow Super Giants during the IPL seasons of 2022 and 2023, helping the team reach the playoffs in both years. The former India opener will take charge as the India coach for the upcoming series against Sri Lanka where the Men in Blue is set to play 3 ODIs & 3 T20Is starting July 27, 2024.
Following his appointment, Gambhir acknowledged the prestigious position shared his thoughts on Instagram and stated, “ India is my identity and serving my country has been the greatest privilege of my life. I’m honoured to be back, albeit wearing a different hat. Focussing on his love for the nation, he further added, “My goal is the same as it has always been, to make every Indian proud. The men in blue shoulder the dreams of 1.4 billion Indians and I will do everything in my power to make these dreams come true.”
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