According to the report, rude comments were directed at the Indian cricketers during the net session in Adelaide. A senior BCCI official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, revealed that “ It was complete chaos. During the Australian training session, not more than 70-odd people turned up but during India's session, 3000 came. No one expected so many fans to turn up.”
Further reports from Fox Cricket state that similar practice sessions in Brisbane and Sydney will also be cancelled. On Tuesday night, approximately 5,000 fans attended the Adelaide net session, creating a chaotic atmosphere. A source close to the BCCI shared with Fox Cricket that players were bombarded with requests for selfies while batting, subjected to constant commentary from the crowd nearby and some were even mocked or laughed at when they missed a shot or got out.
India is all set to face Australia in the upcoming pink-ball Test, scheduled to begin on December 6th at the Adelaide Oval.
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