Murali Vijay on Monday announced his retirement from international cricket at the age of 38 through a note published on his Twitter profile. The Chennai-born batter represented the Indian cricket team on 86 occasions across all three formats of the game albeit he found success only in the all-whites, despite his plethora of achievements in the Indian Premier League. Vijay last earned a cap for the national team in 2018 in a Test against Australia at Perth, having made his debut against the same opposition in the 2008 Nagpur Test.
The right-handed batter ends his career with 3,982 Test runs to his name at an average of 38.28, including 12 centuries and 15 half-centuries. The opener had a reputation for scoring big once he got settled, a trait that earned him four 150-plus scores in the international arena, and played a key role in several major series victories for India against the likes of Australia and England. Vijay also became a cult hero in Chennai during the early years of the Indian Premier League and was a part of two trophy-winning campaigns with the Super Kings. The opener had particularly prolific seasons in 2010 and 2011, tallying 892 runs at an average of 30-plus while striking at a rate of over 140.
Vijay, however, failed to substantiate his future plans in the announcement, merely revealing he would be 'exploring new opportunities in the world of cricket and the business side of it.' The cricketer simply mentioned retirement from internationals and it remains to be seen whether he would continue to ply his trade in India or seek playing opportunities in international T20 leagues.
— Murali Vijay (@mvj888)
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