Ever since the Asia Cup, Bhuvneshwar Kumar is having a tough time with the ball in hand for India. The fast bowler failed to deliver in the penultimate overs more often than not and then went expensive again in the recently-concluded T20I series against Australia. As things stand, the Indian team management is a bit worried about his form, especially when the upcoming T20 World Cup is less than 20 days away to get underway.
Speaking with Hindustan Times, former India fast bowler and two-time World Cup-winning India squad member S Sreesanth came up to support Bhuvneshwar in his darkest of times. Sreesanth highlighted how successful Bhuvneshwar has been with his variations, especially knuckle balls, and believes all he needs to do right now is to keep believing in his abilities.
“He has done up good batsmen. Even if you bowl good balls, there are 60-70% chances of being hit. Sometimes, it works out and sometimes it doesn’t. We have to support Bhuvneshwar Kumar, just like (we have to support) Dinesh Karthik when it comes to batting. I’m very confident about his experience and ability to swing the ball; he has a back-of-the-length slower ball, and he has got the knuckle ball. If he varies his pace on the hard bouncy wickets, he will get good help on Australian pitches,” Sreesanth, who is in Delhi for 'Legends League Cricket' told hindustantimes.com.
“If Bhuvneshwar Kumar is listening to this – most often they don’t do it – but my only request is to never ever stop believing in your abilities. Sometimes, you really stop believing in your abilities. Sometimes, you get confused. Sometimes, you read a lot and watch a lot of videos. Sometimes, you listen to a lot of opinions on the commentary. Even though I have done that; everyone goes through that phase. But you got to believe in the immense ability that has got you here and made you the king. You got to believe in the higher power and trust your work ethics."
Bhuvneshwar, however, has been rested for the upcoming three-match T20I series against South Africa, beginning on September 28.
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