Gujarat Titans (GT) had a memorable night on Sunday after they won the prestigious Indian Premier League (IPL) title under the leadership of Hardik Pandya. They were in their debut season in the tournament, but a combined team effort, headed by Ashish Nehra and Gary Kirsten, helped them deliver something which seemed unthinkable ahead of IPL 2022.
Following the final match, where the Titans defeated Rajasthan Royals to lift the coveted trophy, Kirsten credited Hardik for leading the side by an example. The South African, who was also the head coach when India won the 2011 World Cup, revealed that the Titans skipper has been 'incredibly humble' and has always been eager to learn something.
"He {Hardik} has been fantastic, I've looked working with him. He's a high-profile player in India but he's incredibly humble, wanting to learn as a leader and engage with his players which I think is really, really important. He's tried to help the youngsters, he's come in and played a different responsibility," Kirsten told host broadcasters Star Sports after the match.
Further, speaking about his learning at the Titans' camp, Kirsten commented, "You never stop learning as a coach, every IPL is a learning experience, that’s what I enjoy. I’ve loved working with Ashish (Nehra), he’s really strong tactically - trying to put a game plan together on the fly is not easy.
"There are so many variables in each game, but what I’ve enjoyed has been the responsibility players have taken to win games for us."
There will be a lot of expectations on Titans when they come back to defend the title next year.
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