As per the latest report filed by Press Trust of India (PTI), veteran Indian batsman Ambati Rayudu is likely to play for Baroda again from the next domestic season in India. Rayudu had played for Baroda for four seasons but returned to Hyderabad a few seasons back. Again, he is set to switch states, although the reason is yet to be known.
"Ambati Rayadu had approached us before the start of the IPL and expressed his desire to play for us,” a senior Baroda Cricket Association (BCA) official told PTI.
“We then put up the matter before the Apex Council and the Apex Council is open for the move.”
Rayudu, who represented Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the Indian Premier League (IPL), was recently in the headline when he deleted his ‘retirement’ tweet after intervention by the CSK management.
The veteran batter has played 97 first-class matches and has scored 6,151 runs. Also, he has played 55 ODIs and 6 T20s for India. The next Indian domestic cricket season starts in September-October.
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