Chennai Super Kings senior batter Ambati Rayudu has announced that he will be retiring from the IPL after the 2022 season. Ambati Rayudu took to his social media accounts to make the announcement. The 36-year-old batter from Hyderabad has been one of the mainstays in the Chennai Super Kings batting line-up for quite some time. He has also helped the side win crucial games with his performances. The right-handed batter has also won the IPL title with the Chennai-based franchise multiple times.
However, in an interesting turn of events, Ambati Rayudu after making the announcement deleted the tweet from his social media account.
Ambati Rayudu in his IPL career has played 187 games and scored 4,187 runs over the years with an average of 29.28 and a strike rate of 127.26 in the cash-rich league. This year in IPL 2022, Ambati Rayudu has so far scored 271 runs and at a strike rate of 124. The batter in the previous seasons of the IPL has also played for the Mumbai Indians and performed really well for them during his tenure with the five-time IPL champions.
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