Royal Challengers Bangalore announced Faf Du Plessis as their new captain for the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) season on Saturday during an event. Faf Du Plessis till last year was a part of the MS Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings which won the title last year. The South African batter played an imperative role for his former franchise and was instrumental in the teams' success. After representing CSK for 9 years, the franchise decided to release him.
Faf Du Plessis was one of the most sought-after players in the IPL mega auction which was held in Bengaluru last month. RCB bought the South African batter for Rs 7 crore and in an event that was held on Saturday revealed that he will be their new captain after Virat Kohli stepped down last year.
During the event, Faf Du Plessis shared his experience while playing under MS Dhoni at CSK. Faf said, “The crazy thing is, when I started over in Chennai, I had this idea of what captaincy looks like. And MS was the complete opposite of what I thought it would have looked like! Because my culture was South African, right? So I came to this environment and I was like, ‘this guy was completely different than I thought what it should be”.
He said, Du plessis added, “What it taught me was that there were different styles, but it is important that you need to be (have) your own style. Because that's the thing that always comes through when the pressure is on. So, I can't try to be Virat Kohli because I'm not Virat Kohli. I can't try to be MS Dhoni. But there are things I've learned that helped me grow my leadership style and mature. So, I'm grateful for that journey”.
Faf Du Plessis will be captaining an IPL franchise for the first time this year as he looks to begin his campaign the RCB squad.
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