The mega auction for the IPL 2022 was recently over and there were a few big players who were unsold in the auction. India senior batsman, Cheteshwar Pujara was also one of the names to go unsold in the auction. He was also dropped from the Test side for the series against Sri Lanka due to his poor international form.
In a recent development, Pujara has signed a contract with Sussex for the County Championship and Royal London one-day tournament. He had signed up to play six games for Gloucestershire in 2020 but the contract was canceled due to Covid-19 pandemic. The club made the announcement of Pujara’s recruitment through a release.
"Pujara will arrive in time for the first Championship match of the season and remain until at least the end of the RL50 competition," Sussex said in a statement.
Sussex have also signed Josh Phillipe as interim replacement for Mohammed Rizwan.
"Following the re-arrangement of the Pakistan v West Indies one day series for early June we expect to have Mohammad Rizwan for the early part of the Championship season and at least eight of the Blast group games. He will arrive from the current Pakistan v Australia test series in time for the second round of the Championship staring on 14th April. To ensure we have the strongest squad available for the remaining Blast matches and Championship matches during this period we have signed Australian batter/keeper Josh Philippe," the statement read
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