Indian captain Rohit Sharma has tested positive for Covid-19 according to reports and the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has officially announced the same on Twitter. Rohit Sharma tested positive for coronavirus in a Rapid Antigen Test which was conducted on Saturday. Following this, the Indian captain is in isolation at the Team hotel. Sharma had not come out to open the innings during day three of the practice match against Leicestershire.
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Find OutThis is the second case of coronavirus in the Indian camp as prior to Rohit Sharma, Ravichandran Ashwin had tested positive for the same. The Indian captain opened the batting for India alongside Shubman Gill in the first innings of the match and scored 25 before being sent back to the pavilion by Roman Walker.
Rohit Sharma will be racing against time to recover in time with the Test match scheduled to begin on 1st July. If Rohit does not recover in time India will be without their regular skipper and will have a problem as they will need a new opening partner for Shubman Gill.
UPDATE - Captain Mr Rohit Sharma has tested positive for COVID-19 following a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) conducted on Saturday. He is currently in isolation at the team hotel and is under the care of the BCCI Medical Team.
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