Bengal created a world record in First-Class cricket on Wednesday during their Ranji Trophy quarter-final against Jharkhand. After Saurabh Tiwary won the toss and asked them to bat, the Abhimanyu Easwaran-led side piled up 773/7 before declaring. While posting this gigantic total in the first innings, their all top nine batters scored fifty or more. Anywhere across the world, this has never happened in a First-Class innings.
Sudip Gharami top-scored for Bengal, with 186 off 380 balls. Anustup Majumdar was the other centurion (117) of the innings. The rest all chipped in with handy contributions to take them to the history books. Akash Deep remained not out on 53 off just 18 balls, while Sayan Mondal had the same runs as well from the other end, but he took 85 balls to get there.
The record was previously held by Australians in England that came way back in 1983. They had eight batters scoring more than fifty in their first innings against Oxford and Cambridge Universities, but in that case, those eight were not the top eight batters.
As per Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians records, there had been 7 occasions when seven 50-plus scores had been recorded in a first-class innings before Bengal's astonishing feat.
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