After the conclusion of the IPL 2022, India are set to take on South Africa in a five-match T20I series. The team’s current captain Rohit Sharma has been rested for the series. However, Rohit will return to lead the national team in the one-off Test in Birmingham starting on July 1. After Virat Kohli stepped down from the captaincy, Rohit was appointed as captain considering his success in the role for Mumbai Indians in IPL. The team recorded a series sweep over New Zealand, Sri Lanka, and West Indies at home under his captaincy.
Mohammed Siraj has also praised Rohit’s captaincy saying he understands the mental state of every player and motivates the team to do better.
"Rohit understands the mental state of a player. Whenever we have a tough time out there on the field, he is the one who comes up with a plan B and motivates the bowlers to do better in the game. It's a great feeling to work under a captain who understands you so well," Siraj told ANI.
IPL 2022 wasn’t very good for Siraj as he leaked runs with an economy of 10.07 and picked only nine wickets from 15 games. The Indian pacer said that he is looking to make a smooth transition to Test cricket ahead of the Test fixture against England in July.
Right now, we have some time before we play the Test against England so for now, I would be training at the ground near my house and working on my fitness, as jumping from T20 to Test is a big change. To bowl those long spells in Test cricket, I really need to focus on my consistency, and it will be my only goal," he stated.
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