India are opting for all the practices that can help them prepare for the upcoming T20 World Cup this year. In the latest development, Paddy Upton was appointed as the mental conditioning expert of the Indian team and will work till the showpiece event. Upton has prior experience of working with the Indian team and in tandem with Rahul Dravid at Rajasthan Royals. Former India cricketer S Sreesanth has shared his views regarding the appointment saying he doesn’t think that Paddy Upton can do wonders in his role.
"I don’t think he can do wonders. If we win the T20 World Cup, it will be because of the players and the experience of Rahul bhai . We have a great unit, but I don’t think that the man who you are talking about is going to make much difference," Sreesanth told Mid-Day.
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Find OutIndia won the 2011 World Cup during reign of Upton as assistant to former coach Gary Kirsten. He also helped South Africa become the No.1 Test side in 2013. Sreesanth opined that Rahul Dravid will surely use him very well in his role.
"Hardly one per cent (on his impact in the 2011 World Cup win). Gary did 99 per cent of the work. He was just an assistant to him. He is back because he has worked with Rahul bhai earlier [at RR]. Rahul bhai will surely use him well because he is a good yoga teacher," he explained.
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