The mega auction for the IPL 2022 was concluded recently and the tournament will also start soon. According to a report by Cricbuzz, two start dates, March 26 and 27 are being considered. 26 is the reference of the official broadcaster of Hotstar. The tournament will wrap up on May 29. A franchise official has said that the start could be on March 26.
“We understand that a Saturday start helps the broadcaster to kick-start the league with a bang with three matches in the first weekend. A Sunday inauguration would not permit that. The BCCI and the broadcasters were in discussion over this and eventually it could be on March 26," a franchise official, in the know of the negotiations told Cricbuzz.
The report further reveals that 55 matches of the tournament will be held in Mumbai across Wankhede Stadium, Brabourne Stadium and DY Patil Stadium. Also, MCA International Stadium in Pune will host 15 matches. The teams are to be divided into two groups and each team is supposed to play 14 league matches.
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