India recently won the U-19 World Cup and the player from that team grabbed the public eyeballs. They also got some good deals in the recently concluded mega auction for IPL 2022. Now, according to a report by Saamana Newspaper, India U-19 player Rajvardhan Hangargekar has been accused of age fudging. The Commissioner of Sports and Youth Department, Maharashtra, Omprakash Bakoria has sent a letter to the BCCI presenting evidence against the player.
According to the report, Hangargrekar’s actual age is 21. During the readmission in class VIII his date of birth was changed from January 10, 2001, to November 10 2002. This change in made him eligible to take part in the recent U-19 World Cup. The player was recently bought by CSK for Rs 1.5 Crore at IPL 2022 mega auction.
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