The mega auction for the IPL 2022 was concluded on Sunday and the franchise built their teams for the upcoming auction. Mumbai Indians has been a champion side over the years in the tournament’s history. The team picked two crucial picks in the form of Ishan Kishan and Jofra Archer. The team were very patient to wait for Ishan Kishan to come for bidding and he was their first pick for Rs 15.25 Crore. Then they splurged Rs 8 Crore to acquire the services of Jofra Archer to form a lethal pace duo with Jasprit Bumrah.
Reflecting on these two expensive picks by the franchise, former Indian cricketer Sanjay Mnajrekar has opined that the team made a lot of compromises to get Kishan and Archer in the squad.
"As a result, we are not looking at a star-studded Mumbai Indians team, normally you see some big names in that team, but they made a lot of compromises to get Ishan and Jofra," Manjrekar said on Star Sports.
However, Archer will not be available for the upcoming season but will participate in the tournament from 2023. Manjrekar is of the belief that Mumbai bought him in the auction thinking about the future.
"Jofra Archer is just a brilliantly gifted bowler and he's done it in the IPL before. He's your 'super over' bowler, in fact, there might be a fight between the two as to who will bowl the super over. But the mystery has been unravelled - why was Mumbai Indians so cautious and bailing out - because 23 crores was spent on two players - Ishan Kishan and Jofra Archer. Jofra Archer was a real suspect, who would've thought who would think like this,” he stated.
"That this is a guy who's not available this season, but they knew if we bid for him now, you can get him at a very cheap price for 2023 and 2024 but half the purse spent on two players and hence the caution with the others."
Apart from Bumrah and Archer, the bowling unit will also feature Tymal Mills and Daniel Sams. Tim David has been also added in the squad and he can play the role of finisher for the franchise.
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