The mega auction for the IPL 2022 commenced on February 12 in Bangalore and several teams are looking to build their teams for the upcoming season. The teams will look to build their squads looking at the future through this auction. However, an unforeseen crisis stopped the proceedings on day 1 of the mega auction. The auctioneer Hugh Edmeades collapsed to the ground and the auction was stopped in the second session of the day.
The auctioneer is now fine but Charu Sharma stepped in to handle the crisis and conducted the mega auction for the rest of the day. He conducted the auction very smoothly even after being briefed at the last minute. The fans praised him for his work taking on Twitter. Here is how Twitter reacted to the way he conducted his task.
I have known Charu Sharma as a diver, looking to promote swimming and, in recent years, kabaddi. Countless interactions at cricket matches. He was a revelation today at the IPL auction. Superb job my friend. You have won thousands of admirers
— Vijay Lokapally 🇮🇳 (@vijaylokapally)
Player of the day : Charu Sharma. Thank you.
— Sundar Raman (@ramansundar)
Shout out to Charu Sharma. Not easy at a moment's notice.
— Abhishek Mukherjee (@ovshake42)
Loving the subtle jokes.
We want CHARU SHARMA in commentary box
— Yum (@upsehooon)
Charu Sharma! Oh man, what a pleasure to hear him 🤩
— Vinit (@VKGothi)
How perfect and crystal clear he is with his delivery of speech.
Charu Sharma is an incredibly well spoken man.
— GR (@MambalmMourinho)
Good god it's so good to hear Charu Sharma again. The gravitas!
— Nitish Parab (@nitish08)
Today also Charu Sharma auctioneer 😯😯😯
— 𝐀𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡 🍥 (@AakarshTweets)
He did well yesterday.
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