Ravindra Jadeja was handed over the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captaincy baton by MS Dhoni ahead of the start of IPL 2022. However, the star all-rounder had to step down from the post midway through the IPL 2022 after he led CSK to win two out of their first eight matches. Dhoni was re-appointed as the CSK captain after that, but Jadeja, who has been with the franchise since 2012, did not like what the team management did with him regarding the role, reported by the Times of India.
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Find Out"Jadeja was stripped of captaincy midway through IPL when the management felt that the burden of leadership was affecting his game. The all-rounder, though, with national captaincy ambitions, clearly took it as an insult and the moment he was ruled out of the event with a rib injury, decided to sever all connection with the franchise," a TOI report read.
"Since the time he left the team hotel in Mumbai in mid-May, the franchise has been unable to sort out the differences. Jadeja, meanwhile, has deleted all his CSK-related posts from his social media accounts and was also the only player who was not part of the video that was put out by CSK to wish captain Dhoni on his birthday."
Jadeja was part of CSK's two of their four IPL winning squad. He played for Gujarat Lions in 2016 and 2017 when CSK were banned from IPL but came back to the Yellow Army once they returned to the cash-rich league in 2018. Due to his prolonged success at CSK, he was chosen as their next skipper of CSK, but it seems like he has cut down all ties with them.
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