Ever since his comeback in the IPL 2022, Hardik Pandya has been the talk of the town. Apart from contributing as an all-rounder he has shown impeccable leadership skills. In the IPL 2022, he led Gujarat Titans to their maiden title. Also, he captained India in Ireland series and also in the fifth T20I against West Indies recently. Many former cricketers have praised Hardik for his captaincy and Scott Styris is the new name to give his support to the Indian all-roudner.
Styris has stated that Hardik has been superb as a leader and can be handed the leadership of the national team in future.
"I think it's an intriguing discussion because again, six months ago, I don't think it's something we all thought would even be talked about, but Hardik Pandya has made every poster winner, as Saba says. And you know, you see it a lot in football, where players of character and personality are often given the armband to be captain to also allow them to show some responsibility," said Styris on SPORTS18's daily sports news show 'SPORTS OVER THE TOP'.
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Find Out"So, I don't mind this for Hardik Pandya to be given some leadership in this side, whether it now be the vice-captain or in the future as a captain because quite rightly what is the direction this Indian team wants to go, whether it's T20 in terms of its brand, how do they want to play the game? Because Hardik Pandya certainly has the personality of today's player.”
India will now take on Zimbabwe next and will play Asia Cup after that. The team management will be looking for someone to lead the team after Rohit Sharma and Hardik can be one of the contenders for the role.
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