Kieron Pollard announced his retirement from international cricket on Wednesday via a social media post on his official handle. The power-hitting all-rounder was captain of the West Indies team in the white-ball format of the game. During his time as an international cricketer for West Indies, Kieron Pollard played 123 One Day Internationals and 101 T20 Internationals. The West Indian cricketer is currently playing in the fifteenth edition of the Indian Premier League for Mumbai Indians. He was retained by his IPL franchise before the mega auction that took place in February.
In a video message shared by him on his Instagram account Pollard said, "Hi all, after careful deliberation, I have decided to retire from international cricket. It was a dream of mine to play for West Indies since I was a 10-year-old boy and I am proud to represent the West Indies for over 15 years in T20 and ODI format of the game".
The West Indian cricketer played his last series as an international player against India in February.
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