After spending five seasons with Punjab Kings, two seasons with Delhi Capitals and one with Mumbai Indians, Maxwell was acquired by RCB during the IPL 2021 players auction after an intense bidding war between RCB and CSK as they went toe-to-toe to get the services of the big-hitting Australian. In the end, it was RCB, who shelled out ₹14.25 crore. Lara said that Maxwell getting a call from Virat Kohli must have increased his confidence after having a poor IPL in 2020.
"In the 2019 and 2020 IPL, he was in very poor form and he was like that the entire IPL, not only for Punjab Kings. It looked like his IPL career was over. I'm going to use one person's name here and that is Virat Kohli. Can you imagine getting a call from Virat Kohli to come join RCB. And I believe just by that, his confidence would have grown and that's all you need sometimes," Lara said on Star Sports.
The former West Indies captain compared Maxwell moving from Punjab Kings to RCB with a footballer moving from any other club to Manchester United.
"When you play football, you play for other clubs trying to one day get into Manchester United. He moved from Punjab Kings to RCB, and of course, it has done wonders for him," Lara added.
RCB registered a win against Rajasthan Royals on Wednesday in Dubai by seven wickets to get to 14 points for the season. With this win, they move one step closer to the playoffs qualification for the second consecutive season. They will play next against Punjab Kings in Sharjah on October 3.
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