In the ongoing 5-match series, the Indian vice-captain has only managed to aggregate 95 runs in five innings with the highest score of 61 in the second Test at Lords.“There is a big thought and I’m thinking it as well to bring Surykumar Yadav in at number 5 in place of Ajinkya Rahane, but once you do that, Ajinkya Rahane is out for good, it is a career-changing move and you’ve got to give Suryakumar Yadav a number of opportunities. I don’t think you want to pull the cord yet , you need that experience,” stated Hogg on his Youtube channel.The 33-year-old’s inconsistency has put India’s middle order in jeopardy so far in this series. His batting has come under heavy scrutiny.The 50-year-old further added, Suryakumar’s inclusion can hamper team combination and stability of the batting order. “Having Surykumar Yadav and Pant coming in together at 5 and 6 exposes that lower order because both players are aggressive,” Hogg stated.
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