Later, Shoaib Akhtar took to twitter and said that Dr Nauman Niaz took, the host of the show, was obnoxious and rude. The 46-year-old added tried his best to save everyone from embarrassment but could not succeed after lack of support from Dr Nauman.
Multiple clips are circulating on social media so I thought I shud clarify.
— Shoaib Akhtar (@shoaib100mph)
"Multiple clips are circulating on social media so I thought I shud clarify.dr noman was abnoxious and rude wen he asked me to leave the show,it was embarrassing specially wen u have legends like sir Vivian Richards and David gower sitting on the set with some of my contemporaries
"and seniors and millions watching. I tried to save everyone from embarrassment by saying I was pulling dr nomans leg with this mutual understanding that dr noman will also politely apologise and we will move on with the show ,which he refused to do. Then I had no other choice (sic)," Akhtar tweeted.
Following Pakistan thrilling 5-wicket win against New Zealand on Tuesday, Akhtar on PTV Sports' 'Game on Hai' credited the Pakistan Super League's Lahore Qalandars team for discovering Shaheen Shah Afridi and Haris Rauf.
Host Nauman Niaz took issue with Akhtar's comments and said: "You're being a little rude and I don't want to say this, but if you're being over smart, you can go. I am saying this on air."
Dr Nauman Niaz and Shoaib Akhtar had a harsh exchange of words during live PTV transmission.
— Kamran Malik (@Kamran_KIMS)
Sir Vivian Richards, David Gower, Rashid Latif, Umar Gul, Rashid Latif, Aaqib Javed and Pakistan women’s team captain Sana Mir were the other guests on the panel when the shocking incident took place.
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