Chennai Super Kings (CSK) on Friday defeated Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) by 27 runs to lift their fourth IPL title. Yellow Army's captain was visibly delighted with team's performance and heaped rich praises on his "match-winning" players who took the onus of taking the side over the line after the lows of 2020. Notably, the Chennai-based franchise had failed to qualify for the playoffs for the first time in the IPL history. The 40-year-old also thanked CSK fans for their undying support for the franchise, saying that the 4-time champions were hopeful of playing at Chepauk - CSK's homeground, in the IPL 2022.
It was then that Harsha Bhogle smartly chipped in his much-awaited question and asked if the talismanic captain will step on the field to defend the title. MS Dhoni straightaway reminded Bhogle about one of his recent pre-match interviews in which he had talked about continuing to stay in the CSK camp even if not as a captain.
"Again I've said it before, it depends on BCCI. With two new teams coming in......we have to decide what is good for CSK. It's not about me being there in top-three or four. It's about making a strong core to ensure the franchise doesn't suffer. The core group, we have to have a hard look to see who can contribute for the next 10 years," Dhoni said after the IPL 2021 triumph on Friday.
Here's is what happpened next.
Harsha Bhogle: "You can be proud of the legacy you have left behind"
Dhoni: "Still I haven't left behind...." (laughs)
This smile , this is what we wana see forever THALAAAAA
— DD Neelakandan (@DhivyaDharshini)
Iniku night ella fansum, life la nama yedaiyo jaicha madri nimadiya thoonguvom… thanks thala and csk players for that feeling … appaaaadaaaa
The statement from Dhoni was recieved by fans with a loud cheer at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium.
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