The Tamil Nadu team will be led by Dinesh Karthik. while Vijay Shankar has been appointed as the vice-captain. Shankar hasn’t played a game in the ongoing second leg of the IPL on the virtue of being a close contact of T. Natarajan, who is recovering from COVID 19. Tamil Nadu are the defending champion, having defeated Baroda in the final of the previous edition in Ahmedabad, earlier this year.
Natarjan has also been included in the squad. He will be looking to revive his injury-ridden career, having missed the home series against England earlier this year. He has also missed out on the first and second leg of the IPL 2021 due to knee surgery.
Some of the other key names in the Tamil Nadu squad include batting all-rounder B Aparajith, wicketkeeper-batter N Jagadeesan, power hitter Shahrukh Khan and fast bowler Sandeep Warrier, who will be playing his second season with Tamil Nadu following a transfer from Kerala. The squad also features two rookies in batter B Sai Sudharsan and seamer P Saravana Kumar, both of whom impressed in the Tamil Nadu Premier League.
Placed in Group A, Tamil Nadu will start their campaign against Maharashtra on the tournament's opening day on November 4. The other teams in the group include Goa, Punjab, Odisha, and Puducherry.
Squad: Dinesh Karthik (capt), Vijay Shankar (vice-captain), Washington Sundar, T Natarajan, Sandeep Warrier, R Sai Kishore, B Aparajith, N Jagadeesan, M Ashwin, Shahrukh Khan, Hari Nishaanth, M Siddharth, Ganga Sridhar Raju, M Mohammed, J Kousik, R Sanjay Yadav, R Silambarasan, R Vivek Raj, B Sai Sudharsan, P Saravana Kumar
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