BCCI Secretary, Jay Shah on Saturday, November 20 confirmed that the 15th edition of the IPL will be played in India. After the conclusion of the IPL 2021, the governing body headed by Sourav Ganguly confirmed that franchises from Lucknow and Ahmedabad will be added to the 2022 edition of the IPL, making it the only second edition of the tournament with ten teams. Ahead of the next edition of the cash-rich league, a mega auction will be held, and the IPL franchises will be looking forward to making a core unit for the upcoming seasons.
During 'The Champions Call' event in Chennai, organized to commemorate the victory of Chennai Super Kings title victory in IPL 2021, Jay Shah stated that the 15th edition of the tournament will be exciting with the addition of two new teams, and the upcoming mega auction ahead of the lucrative league.
"I know you all are waiting to see the CSK play at Chepauk. Well, the moment is not very far. The 15th season of the IPL will take place in India and it will be more exciting than ever with two new teams joining," the BCCI secretary said.
"We have a mega auction coming up, so it will be interesting to see what the new combinations look like," Jay Shah further said.
Speaking on Chennai Super Kings' success in IPL, Shah lauded N Srinivasan and Kasi Viswanathan for their immense support to the team in their difficult times.
"A lot of credit for CSK's success over the years has to go to N Srinivasan as he has stood by his team in the difficult times. I must add that Kasi Viswanathan is like a glue that binds the team together. Season by season he has navigated the team," Shah said.
Reflecting on MS Dhoni's leadership in the past years, the BCCI secretary reckoned that Dhoni is the most successful captain India have ever produced, and nobody can take CSK lightly when the wicket-keeper batsman is leading from the front. Shah further added that Dhoni's legacy will stay for ages.
"How can one take CSK lightly when you have a captain like MS Dhoni. Dhoni is the heartbeat and backbone of CSK. Mahi is the most successful captain India has ever produced. The bond he has made and the legacy he has created will stay for ages," he added.
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