According to the latest report, Laxman will take over from his former teammate Rahul Dravid, who was recently appointed as the head coach of the senior India men's cricket team. Dravid replaced his senior and former India cricketer Ravi Shastri in the role and his first assignment starts from November 17 when Rohit Sharma-led Men in Blue take on New Zealand in a 3-match T20I series.
A BCCI source confirmed to India Today that the board was in constant talks with Laxman as they wanted to have someone who could take the responsibility in a better way after Dravid. The board had several rounds of talks with the Hyderabad-born but initially, he didn't want to join, but now he is ready to join. He added that an announcement will be made soon.
VVS Laxman is currently a batting consultant for Bengal Ranji team and is also a team mentor for 2016 champions SunRises Hyderabad (SRH) in the Indian Premier League. Laxman, also a commentator now, is regarded as one of the greatest Indian Test batsmen of all time, scoring 8781 runs in 134 matches with 17 centuries.
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