It was a double delight for the Indian cricket fans on Wednesday, as India registered their first win in T20 World Cup 2021, and Rahul Dravid was appointed as the team head coach. Dravid replaced Ravi Shastri in the role, after the former had decided to step down after the marquee tournament. Dravid's first assignment with the team will be the home series against New Zealand, beginning November 17.
Former India cricketer Ajay Jadeja called Rahul Dravid a role model of discipline and dedication, and requested the BCCI not to tell him how to run the team and move alongside his vision.
"If there's a role model of discipline and dedication, it's Rahul Dravid. You want a lot of things from a coach but discipline and dedication are probably the two prime things. It will be interesting to see who will make the next T20 captain - Rahul Dravid or [the selectors]. There's no doubt in his praise but when someone becomes an Indian coach, if you don't let him work or don't use his vision then it's all redundant, anyone can be a coach in that way," Jadeja told Cricbuzz.
"So if you have brought Rahul Dravid, the biggest name, then at least go with his vision. This is my request to the board... If a man like Rahul Dravid has joined then please, please move alongside his vision, understanding and dedication, don't tell him how to run the team.”
Dravid has previously worked with India A and Under-19 teams, thereby playing a crucial role in developing junior players for the bigger stage. He had served as the senior team's interim coach during the limited-overs tour of Sri Lanka in July. Former India cricketer Virender Sehwag felt that his former India captain was the best choice for the role.
"He's the best man for the job," Sehwag said. "He has spent so many years preparing the Under-19 and India 'A' players. What he can contribute to this Indian team, I don't think anyone else can. What I like about him a lot is when he's with the Under-19 and India 'A' players, he thinks and talks like them. He doesn't think he's the Rahul Dravid or has played so much cricket, he thinks at their level. That's what will be his benefit in this Indian team. He'll think like them, analyze what can be done to improve their performance in ICC tournaments."
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