Both Shakib Al Hasan and Mustafizur Rahman arrived in India amidst controversy, with Shakib being alleged to have chosen IPL contract over the country. While Shakib started the Chennai leg for Kolkata Knight Riders, he was replaced by Sunil Narine as the franchise touched down Mumbai. However, on the other hand, left-arm pacer Mustafizur emerged as one of the shining lights in an otherwise dull season for the Rajasthan Royals.
With the postponement of the IPL, the players have indeed been hit the most. Unlike other players, Bangladesh doesn’t have a travel restriction in place for the cricketers to enter the country. However, they have rules which clearly states that anyone entering the country must serve a mandatory 14-day institutional quarantine. Bangladesh's Directorate General of Health Services, in a report by Cricbuzz, informed that the two players will have to enter the quarantine period.
"They will have to do 14-day institutional quarantine,'' said Basar, reported Cricbuzz.
"BCB had applied to us for them (reducing the quarantine period) but we have informed them that they don't have any other choice but to follow the rule that is applicable for everyone,'' he said.
Bangladesh are set to play Sri Lanka from May 23, in an ODI series. In the original plan, the duo were expected to join the team straight from the IPL before the series. However, according to the new arrangement, the two would have to spend 14-days in a government-specified centre before joining the national team.
"They have to complete the quarantine in our specified quarantine center and that can be either Hotel Sonargaon or Hotel Raddison."
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