Fears of the Road Safety World Series becoming a super-spreader event have worsened as on Monday, former India cricketer Irfan Pathan confirmed that he had tested positive for COVID-19. Irfan, who was one of the star performers for the ‘India Legends’ team in the recently-concluded Road Safety World Series, has become the fourth former Indian cricketer to test positive for the virus in the past week as the trio of Sachin Tendulkar, Subramaniam Badrinath and Yusuf Pathan earlier took to Twitter to confirm their diagnosis.
All three of Tendulkar, Badrinath and Yusuf were Irfan’s teammates in the Road Safety World Series, thus inciting fears that these four cases could just be the tip of the iceberg.
Irfan took to Twitter to confirm the news and urged those who came in close contact with him to get themselves tested.
"I have tested positive for COVID-19 with no symptoms and have isolated myself and quarantined at home. I would request those who came in contact with me in recent past to please get themselves tested," Irfan wrote on Twitter.
"Urging all to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Wishing you all good health."
The second phase of the inaugural Road Safety World Series, which re-started earlier this year, was played at the Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh International Stadium in Raipur. The venue oversaw fans and the tournament was eventually won by the hosts, India, who downed a strong Sri Lanka Legends side in the final earlier this month.
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