Things have been hard for the domestic cricket players in India ever since COVID-19 struck the world in 2020. It had resulted in the cancellation of last year's Ranji trophy and ever since the pandemic, only two white-ball tournaments have been played in the country. All of this has negatively impacted the players' finances and put them into a troublesome situation especially those who aren't a regular part of the cash-rich Indian Premier League. But to address their woes, the BCCI, after an impromptu Apex Council meeting on Sunday, decided to form a committee to manage the compensation for domestic cricketers.
As per Sportstar, the committee is likely to comprise the five office-bearers - Sourav Ganguly, Jay Shah, Rajiv Shukla, Jayesh George and Arun Dhumal. There is also one representative likely to be there from each of the six zones -- North, East, West, South, Central and Northeast respectively.
Besides helping the domestic players, the BCCI also decided to give INR 10 crores to the Indian Olympic Association. It is being done to assist the athletes who will be travelling to Tokyo in July-August for the much-awaited Olympics. The IOA is likely to send around a 190-200-member contingent to Tokyo.
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