Rishabh Pant has emerged as India's highest run-getter in Tests in 2021. He has scored 560 runs in seven Tests at 56 and had played a big role in India's Test series win Down Under. Given all this, when he tested positive for COVID-19, it came as a big blow to the Indian team. However, not only he has recovered from the virus, but also joined the team's bubble in Durham. The southpaw completed his mandatory isolation period of 10 days as per the country's guidelines. Notably, the young gloveman had tested positive while the Indian team was on a break post the World Test Championship finale.
India's throwdown specialist cum masseur Dayanand Garani had also tested positive for the novel Coronavirus, which forced the likes of Bharat Arun, Wriddhiman Saha, and Abhimanyu Easwaran into isolation as they were established close contacts with him. They are still undergoing 10-day isolation. The Indian men's team contingent had received their second dose of COVID vaccine, earlier this month.
Presently, India are taking on County XI in a three-day practice game, which will finish on July 22. They might play another warm-up game, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. The five-match Test series between India and England will start from August 4 in Nottingham. Last time, when India toured England, they were beaten 1-4. Their last Test series win on English soil had come as long back as 14 years under the leadership of Rahul Dravid.
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