With the first two Tests in Chennai, it was widely speculated that Axar Patel could well earn his Test cap, with a debut in spin-favouring conditions. However, on the morning of the first Test, the all-rounder has complained of pain in his left knee, which unfortunately has ruled him out of contention. Owing to the bio-bubble restrictions, BCCI have added Shahbaz Nadeem and Rahul Chahar, who were with the team into the squad as cover.
"Axar Patel has been ruled out of the first Paytm Test against England. The all-rounder complained of pain in his left knee during Team India’s optional training session on Thursday. He is being monitored by the BCCI Medical Team and while his detailed reports are awaited, he will not be available for selection for the opening match," read BCCI's press release.
"The All-India Senior Selection Committee has added spinners Shahbaz Nadeem and Rahul Chahar to India’s squad. Both Nadeem and Chahar have been training with Team India as part of the standby group of players."
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