India are scheduled to tour South Africa for three Tests and as many ODIs, and the BCCI on December 8, announced an 18-member squad for the red-ball series against the Proteas. The governing body also made a shocking announcement that Rohit Sharma will take over the ODI captaincy from Virat Kohli during the upcoming tour of South Africa. The Indian opener has also been appointed as Kohli's deputy in Test cricket, and was expected to begin his vice-captaincy stint during the red-ball series against the Proteas.
However, the India white-ball skipper sustained an injury and was eventually ruled out from the Test series against South Africa, which is scheduled to begin on December 26 in Centurion. Meanwhile, several reports suggest that Virat Kohli is set to miss the three-match ODI series in South Africa, and is said to have already informed the BCCI about his decision.
According to a report in Times of India, Virat Kohli is taking time off from the ODI series against Proteas to celebrate his daughter Vamika's first birthday, and he is planning a vacation with the family after the conclusion of the three-match Test series.
A BCCI official has stated that, Virat Kohli will miss the ODI series as he wants to spend time with his family.
“Virat Kohli has informed us that he will not be available for the ODI series – he wants to spend time with family as he was in playing for many months with IPL, T20 WC – don’t read social media rumours, there is nothing between Rohit & Kohli,” said the BCCI official.
BCCI official (in News9) said "Virat Kohli has informed us that he will not be available for the ODI series - he wants to spend time with family as he was in playing for many months with IPL, T20 WC - don't read social media rumours, there is nothing between Rohit & Kohli".
— Johns. (@CricCrazyJohns)
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