India are playing a two match Test series against New Zealand and the second Test has commenced in Mumbai on Friday. India ended the day with a score of 221/4 on the scoreboard thanks to Mayank Agarwal playing a superb unbeaten 120 runs knock. He was assisted well by Shubman Gill (44) and Wriddhiman Saha (25*) who played the supporting role in Agarwal's innings.
Agarwal had been struggling in red ball cricket for a few matches and managed scores of 13 and 17 in the first Test. Agarwal’s tendency to keep a high backlift against swinging delivery was being pointed out as a reason for his struggles according to many cricket experts. Agarwal revealed that Sunil Gavaskar’s suggestion to keep the bat bit low at the start of the innings helped him.
"He told me that I should consider keeping the bat a bit low initially in my innings. I have a tendency to hold it high. I couldn't make that adjustment in this short period of time. When he was saying, I noticed his shoulder position and basically picked up that I need to be more side on," he said in a virtual press conference.
Ajaz Patel was bowling well for the visitors and he picked all four wickets and even managed to restrict India to 80/3 at one point. However, Agarwal tackled him well hitting four sixes to the left-arm spinner.
"He was bowling exceedingly well. But each time anything was in our half (our arc), the plan was to be a bit more attacking. Anything that came a little towards us in length, we were going to go for it," he explained.
"He had that phase when he tied us down, so it was a conscious decision to make it count when we could or each time he bowled it in our spot."
For Agarwal, his innings was about grit and determination and the plan was to be disciplined. He also opined that the first session on Day 2 will be crucial for the team.
"That is something I have thought about, but this innings was more about grit and determination, just to stick with the plan, be disciplined. I know I didn't look good sometimes but I got the job done," he said.
"How we start is crucial, the focus is that. The first session we want to play it out, the wicket is going to get harder and harder to bat on."
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