Chennai Super Kings (CSK) on Tuesday announced their retention list for IPL 2022, and the franchise have retained the maximum quota of four players for the 15th edition of the tournament. Ahead of the mega auction, CSK retained Ravindra Jadeja, MS Dhoni, Moeen Ali and Ruturaj Gaikwad. Surprisingly, the Chennai-based franchise picked Jadeja as their first retention choice, and captain MS Dhoni was retained as the second pick to the squad. The four-time IPL champions, retained Jadeja for INR 16 crores, while Dhoni will be paid a sum of INR 12 crores. England all-rounder, Moeen Ali was retained for INR 8 crore, whereas the leading run-scorer of IPL 2021, Ruturaj Gaikwad will draw a salary of INR 6 crore.
Reflecting on the retentions by CSK, Robin Uthappa has opined that the franchise will be looking to groom Ravindra Jadeja as the next leader for CSK.
"I am sure that is MS Dhoni’s doing itself. He knows the value that Jadeja has to the unit. I think from what I understand, Jadeja might be someone who could end up leading the squad in the future as well when MS Dhoni retires. They have given him the due he deserved,” he said on Star Sports.
Parthiv Patel has also echoed the same thoughts saying that Jadeja is looked upon as the next CSK captain by the franchise.
"He is the guy whom they are investing in to be the next captain. He has been terrific as a player. He has done well in Test cricket, we have seen him batting at No. 6 in ODI cricket as well. So I would like to see him take that responsibility. So I think Ravindra Jadeja will take over as captain once MS Dhoni decides not to play,” he said.
Chennai Super Kings will head into the mega auction ahead of IPL 2022, with the purse of INR 48 crore after retaining four players before the deadline.
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