Rohit Sharma, alongside KL Rahul, has been one of India's bright spots in the batting department in the ongoing Test series. The opening batsman has adapted to the English conditions by choosing a different approach, a patient one, scoring 36 from 107 balls, 83 from 145, 19 from 105, and 59 from 156 in the ongoing five-match series.
Rohit is currently the third-highest run-getter in the ongoing series with 230 runs from six innings at an average of 46, after Joe Root (507) and Rahul (252). The batsman who is known for his aggressive batting technique has now adopted a defensive and disciplined approach under conditions difficult for battting. Former India opener Aakash Chopra lauded Rohit for his recent success.
“He has made a huge change. He would be giving a constant reminder to himself that this is his new habit, that he will not hit the pitched-up deliveries, will play close to his body and extremely carefully. I am very happy," expressed Chopra through his YouTube channel.
Chopra further noted that Rohit Sharma had a calculated approach throughout the series, by keeping away his favorite shots to score runs.
"When you measure greatness, there are many criteria," he said. "One is longevity, secondly the stats, the third is how you inspire the others around you, have you created enough difference on and sometimes off the field as well. After that, the last one is adaptability, whether you have adapted yourself over a period of time. When you see all great players, they adapted their game somewhere or the other. The Rohit Sharma we are seeing is adapting."
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