A BCCI spokesperson confirmed that Indian all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja was taken for scans to ascertain the extent of his knee injury after the third Test finished on the fourth day, with India losing the game by an innings and 76 runs. On the opening day of the third Test, in a bid to stop the ball while fielding, Jadeja had accidentally landed on his right knee and was seen leaving the field after the 32nd over and couldn't bowl after that throughout the day. However, he did return to action on the second day of the Test and delivered 27 overs for two wickets.
Jadeja has been an integral part of the Indian side as he adds up value at the No.7 position with the bat and has played the role of a fifth bowler in the ongoing series so far. After failing with the bat in the first innings and scoring 4 off 29, he showed some fight on day four, making 30 off 25.
If Jadeja's injury turns serious, India might well have to pick premier spinner Ravichandran Ashwin for the Oval Test or else field a specialist batsman in his place. In the first three Tests, the southpaw scored 133 runs at an average of 26.60, while he scalped two wickets with the ball in hand at 93, striking every 228 deliveries.
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