Despite boasting one of the best domestic cricketing circuits in the world, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) are planning to shake up a few things in the current system. Currently, several cricketers who were part of the U-23 championship and have failed to make it to the next level, the state setups, have no choice but to look at club cricket for playing time.
However, BCCI are planning to put an end to that, with the current U-23 championship being converted into a U-25 tournament, which would allow the fringe players to still be part of the setup despite having not made the cut elsewhere. While the board have already taken a decision, according to Cricbuzz they are yet to hear and take reviews from the state cricketing associations on the matter.
The board also in the meeting apparently showed their concerns over conducting the U-16 tournament, with vaccination not being available for people under 18 in the country. One of the major decisions that the board took in the meeting, as reported by Cricbuzz, was to appoint a permanent CEO for the board.
Since Rahul Johri’s resignation last year, the BCCI have not yet appointed a full-time CEO, with Hemang Amin doubling up as the CEO and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Indian Premier League (IPL). With the added pressure on Amin from both ends, the BCCI are looking to appoint a full-time CEO in the coming months.
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