Chennai Super Kings had odds stacked against them right from the word go, with Suresh Raina and Harbhajan Singh pulling out of the IPL for personal reasons. However, MS Dhoni didn’t let any of that come on his way to success, with brilliant usage of match-ups - something he does very rarely - to ensure CSK came out on top. With left-arm spinner Krunal Pandya operating, he allowed Ravindra Jadeja and Sam Curran to bat above him, which ended up as the ultimate differentiator.
"As he explained himself at the presentation, he uses the word express themselves, but I think what he actually means is, ‘get that experience, show that you can do it’. Also, I think it (sending Jadeja and Curran ahead of him) was very calculated. He knew both of his left-handers were going to be facing deliveries coming into them. Once you connect, both these guys are strong, and it goes out for a six,” Gavaskar told Star Sports in the post-match analysis show.
Returning to competitive cricket after a 437-day hiatus, Dhoni became the first captain in IPL history to win 100 matches - a record that has three IPL trophies to go with one Champions League Trophy. Gavaskar was in awe of the man and added that Dhoni has always been superb as captain.
"He's always been superb as captain. There is no question about it. I mean he has been by far India’s best-ever captain. The results show for themselves. He has won all the limited-overs titles, taken India at No. 1 in Tests, and won 3 IPL titles for CSK. What more can you ask from a person?" Gavaskar added.
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