With the Test series scheduled between two Asian teams starting in October, Bangladesh Cricket team will leave for Emerald Isle on September 27 after kick-starting their practice sessions on September 9 at the Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium. However, their plan has taken a huge hit with Saif Hassan testing positive for Coronavirus on Tuesday. The BCB medical team had collected samples from the 24-member (17 players and 7 staff) group on Monday.
However, it's Lee’s case has put everyone in a spot. The S&C coach had earlier reported positive on August 14 in Dubai but after 10 days in isolation, he tested negative on August 23. The coach also completed a 14-day self-quarantine on arrival in Dhaka prior to yesterday's test.
"Our consultant for COVID-19 is reviewing Lee's case to determine whether it is a new or previous infection before advising on the management plan," BCB's Sports Physician Dr. Debashis Chowdhury said, reported Cricbuzz.
In the wake of the event, BCCI chief selector Minhajul Abedin has stated that all 37 cricketers, including members of the Test and High-Performance squad, will have to go through the Coronavirus test. The board is planning a week-long residential camp, which is set to begin on September 21, and will conduct COVID-19 Tests in four phases with the other three tests scheduled on September 18, 21 and 24.
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