After several members of the three-time IPL winning franchise, CSK's setup tested positive earlier in the pre-season testing, Delhi Capitals, on Sunday, confirmed that the franchise's Assistant Physiotherapist has tested positive for the novel virus. However, the club also confirmed that the member who tested positive has not been in contact with either the players or the staff members at the club and was tested positive during the mandatory quarantine.
Now, the member would undergo a 14-day isolation period, with two negative tests required before he could make a return to the setup for the franchise during the 2020 edition of the competition in the Middle East.
"Delhi Capitals Assistant Physiotherapist has tested positive for COVID-19. He was going through his mandatory quarantine, and had tested negative for his first two tests conducted on arrival in Dubai, and tested positive for the third one. He was yet to meet with, and had not been in contact with any players or staff of the franchise. He was isolated immediately, and is currently at the IPL Isolation Facility in Dubai for the next 14 days, at the end of which he will have to produce two negative reports for him to be able to join the Delhi Capitals squad," wrote the franchise in their press release.
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