After RCB's Kane Richardson, CSK's Harbhajan Singh also pulled out of IPL 2020 on Friday. The off-spinner became the second CSK player to have left the 13th edition of the IPL, owing to 'personal reasons'. Earlier, Raina's exit from the CSK camp had created a furore though he later admitted to the possibility of returning back to the franchise.
Now, Harbhajan Singh's friend has disclosed the real reason which drove Bhajji from appearing in IPL, and it has all to do with family rather than the outbreak of Covid-19 cases in the CSK camp, which saw 13 members of the franchise testing positive for Covid-19.
“It wasn’t about the Covid cases in the Chennai camp. But if you have a wife and toddler staying in India for three months, your mind will be diverted and you can’t fully focus on the game. Then it doesn’t matter whether you get two crore or 20 crore. Money is last on your mind,” a friend of the player told PTI anonymously.
Earlier, the veteran Indian off-spinner had taken to Twitter to inform the world about his decision of leaving the 2020 IPL.
“I will not be playing IPL this year due to personal reasons. These are difficult times and I would expect some privacy as I spend time with my family. CSK management has been extremely supportive and I wish them a great IPL Stay safe and Jai Hind,” Harbhajan tweeted.
The 40-year-old, who now mostly works as a cricket analyst, had also thanked Chennai's team management for being supportive in his decision.
“When I told the CSK management about my decision, they were very supportive and I can’t thank them enough for that,” the off-spinner had said.
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