The cricketing fraternity was shaken in the early hours of Friday morning, after reports emerged that former Indian skipper Kapil Dev suffered a heart attack, but in what comes as good news, the health of the 61-year-old is said to be in a stable state. Dev is believed to have complained of chest pain late Thursday night, due to which he was admitted to a hospital Delhi, and the 61-year-old is then said to have undergone emergency coronary angioplasty after it was understood that he suffered a heart attack.
Thankfully, Dev is now said to be stable and is expected to be discharged from the hospital over the weekend.
The news broke on social media on Friday, but friends close to the former Indian skipper soon took to Twitter to reassure the world that he was doing good. In fact, Madan Lal, a member of the newly-appointed Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) who was a part of the 1983 World Cup-winning Indian team, took to Twitter to confirm that Dev will soon be returning back home.
“Please join me in sending prayers, strength and good wishes to Kapil and Romi Dev for his speedy recovery. Kapil was taken to the hospital in time as he complained of uneasiness. As per the doctors the procedure has been successful and he will be home soon,” Lal said in a Tweet.
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