Earlier reports emerged that, the table-toppers Delhi Capitals were eyeing the Karnataka leg-spinner, Pravin Dubey as a replacement for the injured Amit Mishra. However, now the franchise has confirmed the news with a press release. The leg-spinner was previously part of the Royal Challengers Bangalore outfit, where he did not get an opportunity to feature in the playing XI. Now, Dubey will be the fourth spinner in the Delhi outfit, alongside Ravichandran Ashwin, Axar Patel and Lalit Yadav.
"JSW and GMR co-owned franchise Delhi Capitals today announced the signing of 27-year-old leg spinner Pravin Dubey as replacement for Amit Mishra, for the rest of the Dream11 Indian Premier League. The Karnataka-based Dubey has played 14 domestic T20 matches for his state, and has 16 wickets to his name, with an economy rate of 6.87," stated the press release.
"Amit Mishra was ruled out the tournament after sustaining an injury to the ring finger of his bowling arm during Delhi Capitals’ match against Kolkata Knight Riders in Sharjah on 3rd October 2020. The 37-year-old has undergone surgery, and is recovering at the moment."
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