While Shikhar Dhawan was the star of the show, with his first IPL century single-handedly demolishing Chennai Super Kings, Marcus Stoinis played a useful cameo of 24 runs off only 14 deliveries. It was an innings that gave DC impetus to force through and not bogged down by the CSK’s quality death overs which have been a consistent this IPL. On being asked about the win, the Victorian stated that they could’ve finished the game early but it was alright.
“It went tighter than we would have wanted, but we fought really hard throughout the competition and good to continue that. We try to read the game as we go and the plan is to attack the ball if it’s in my area. We are winning at the moment, but none of these games are easy and you just try and give your best every time,” Stoinis said in the post-match interview with Star Sports.
With 17 needed off the last over, it ideally should have been Dwayne Bravo bowling the over for CSK but unfortunately for the three-time champions, the Caribbean superstar was off the ground with some injury. That led to MS Dhoni bringing in Ravindra Jadeja who had the match-up against him. With the left-arm angle supporting him, Axar Patel hit three sixes to the smallest boundary of the venue and ensured a DC victory.
“He (Axar) hasn't had many opportunities with the bat and it was good to see him finish the game for us and he's been bowling really beautifully as well,” Stoinis praised the Gujarat all-rounder who has proven to be a valuable commodity for the side this season.
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